Collection of themes/skins for the Fossil SCM

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  Fossil Skins Extra


TH1 is the built-in scripting/templating language in Fossil. It can be used in the header, stylesheet or footer within <th1>...</th1> sections, or in the th1-setup settings field. It's a slim TCL variant (but a full TCL interpreter may be compiled in too). See the Cookbook on TH1 or the TH Manual.pdf for a proper overview. The following is just a crude summary.

Basic syntax

Everything is a string. No really. The string is the fundamental datatype in TH1 / TCL.

  • Variables are often passed just by their literal varname. With a $ prefix their value gets substituted or interpolated.

     set varname "something something"
     puts $varname
  • Literals are also strings. For instance 1 is a string, text…text is a string and ,&=asdf! is a string.

  • There are three ways to group things for substitution.

    • In " double " quotes any literal text can be grouped into a string, and $vars will be interpolated. Double quotes can be escaped by \" within. They cannot nest themselves, but within {} or [] subgroups.
    • Square brackets [proc calls] interpolate procedure call results. They also do so within " double quoted strings. And of course they can be nested [expr 5*[expr [expr $x]+2]]
    • Whereas {...} curly blocks are unparsed sections, can be nested with {} themselves or [] and "". They're often used to defer literal code/string sections for later evaluation.
  • Statements are interpreted line by line. The first string literal is the procedure to call.

     funcname arg1 arg2 ...

    Arguments can be literals, strings, variables, [proc ..] calls, etc. Trailing semicolons are optional. Some functions provide prefix arguments -xyz and -- flag separators, or ?optional? parameters.

  • Expressions are only interpreted in the if {expr} block, or with [expr 2*$x+1] calls. They can't be used as statements all alone.

  • Lists are a special variant of strings. Any string with spaces can be e.g. split-accessed via lindex. Curly braces can group further substrings/lists within. (Lists are actually pretty central to the TH1/TCL syntax. Command statements and their arguments are basically seen as lists too.)

  • Variable names of the form $varname(xyzname) are treated as arrays. You need to know/keep the array keys to utilize them in TH1.

Most control structures (e.g. if and proc) are implemented as procedure calls. To wrap code blocks over multiple lines, the opening { curly quote must be in the same statement line, and subsequent blocks be chained with } { thereafter.

Built-in TH1 functions

Also see for a more detailed list.

<style> main table td:nth-child(1) { width: 30% } main table tr:nth-child(2n) { background: #f7f7f7; } main table kbd { color: #311; font-weight: 500; } </style>

set VARNAME value Defines a variable. The varname is noted without leading $, but creates a $varname afterwards. The value can be a literal 123 number, or a "string", or an [expr ...] or any other [ProcCall ...] of course.
unset VARNAME Undefines a variable by name.
info exists VARNAME Probes if a variable was defined.
expr $x +-*/ <>!=< Runs an expression, returns its result. This can be any combination of arithmetics, or comparisons, with variable names or literal strings. Usually used within [...] square brackets for interpolation.
proc {args} {cmd} Defines a new function. {args} is a space-separated list of parameter names, and {code} just a code block.
catch {code} rc? Runs a code block, but ignores any runtime errors. An optional varname parameter captures TH1_ERROR codes etc.
if {expr} {body} elseif expr2 body2 else bodyN? Tests an expression, and runs the code {body}. Can optionally list multiple elseif expressions and blocks, and a final else of course. Each expression can be a literal {$x >= 2} or a function result interpolation {[string length $var] >= 2} for example.
for {init} {condition} {incr} {code-block} Runs a code block multiple times. The {init} can be empty, the {condition} is usually a boolean comparison, and {incr} often {set cnt [expr $cnt+1]}.
list a b c ... Compacts multiple arguments into a list-string. A list is simply a space-separated string, or entries quoted with unparsed {...} curly sections.
lindex list index Returns an entry from a list-string.
llength list Counts the number of elements in a list-string.
proc name {args} {code} Declares a new function. The name is the literal procedure name. Args can be a space-separated list of argument varnames. And the {code} block... is the code block.
rename oldcmd newcmd Renames a declared function.
break Break statement.
continue Continue statement.
ok Ok statement.
error Error statement.
return value? Plain value return. Used in procedures of course. Can list an optional -code state (break, continue, ok, error) before the value.
string compare $str1 $str2 Compares strings (strcmp) for alpha-/numeric sorting.
string first $needle $haystack Finds first position of one string in another. Optional startindex as third param.
string is alnum $string Checks if string is completely alphanumeric, no special chars.
string last $needle $haystack Finds last position of needle in haystack string.
string length $string Returns length of string/variable.
string range $str first end Returns a substring of its input. String indicies start at 1. The END parameter can be larger than the actual string length.
string repeat $str COUNT Duplicates a string CNT times, returns the concatenated result string.
string trim $str Removes whitespace from string.
string trimleft $str Removes whitespace from string.
string trimright $str Removes whitespace from string.
uplevel LEVEL {code} Runs given code block in a different variable scope. Usually uplevel 1 {...} to run things in the global scope / prior function call in the chain.
upvar LEVEL extvar local Imports/aliases a variable name from a different variable scope, and can attach a new local name to it.
breakpoint Does nothing. Only used for debugging Fossil/TH1.

Fossil functions

httpize "string" Escapes a string for URL context.
enable_output 1/0 Allows to suppress further output.
puts string Prints a string to the page, pre-escapes HTML special characters.
html string Prints a raw string, so may contain actual HTML for display.
wiki string Uses the Wiki renderer to output a string. Thus fossil wiki markup will be converted to HTML.
htmlize string Escapes a string for HTML context.
date Returns current date and time string in UTC. With -local in current timezone.
hascap letters Probes permissions for currently logged in user. Argument can be a string of letter-wise capabilities (from Admin>User).
anycap letters Probes if any of the listed permission letters is allowed for current user.
hasfeature setting Checks which Fossil features were compiled in (can be one of: ssl, tcl, json, markdown, th1Docs, th1Hooks, tclStubs, useTclStubs).
combobox name list lines Prints a HTML combobox.
linecount string max min Counts linebreaks in string.
repository Return full path name to currently open fossil repository.
checkout Return full path name to opened checkout directory.
trace message Outputs/logs a debug message, if tracing is enabled.
globalState setting Returns other runtime states/paths/flags (can be one of: checkout, configuration, executable, flags, log, repository, top, user, vfs)
getParameter name default? Returns URL parameter with given name or position, or CLI parameter for th1-cmd-hooks.
setParameter name value Overwrites an URL parameter.
reinitialize flags? Restarts TH1 interpreter with initialization flags (bitmask of 1=need_config, 2=force_tcl, 4=force_reset, 8=force_setup).
render string Outputs rendered string. Templates can themselves contain TH1 code.
styleHeader title Outputs style header. (No idea what that is.)
styleFooter Outputs footer.
artifact UUID filename? Prints the raw artificat content by UUID or filename.
utime Elapsed CPU time for current fossil userland process in microseconds.
stime Elapsed CPU time for system calls.
randhex N Creates a string of random hexdigit pairs.
query {SQL} {code} Yay! Query Fossil SQL database. The SQL code can be put in curly braces {SELECT $varname} for implicit variable→parameter binding. The {CODE} automatically receives column names and values as $vars for each row.
setting name Returns Fossil configuration setting string. Preface with -strict to avoid ambigous setting name matches.
regexp -nocase? exp string Matches a string agains an extended regular expression (no regex delimiters). The -nocase flag an be noted before the regex string. Prefer {curly*} quoting for the regex.
http url payload? Sends a HTTP query. Target must be whitelisted by url-regexp in the settings. The optional payload would become a plain text POST body. Should return the HTTP response body as string.

TCL Binding

tclReady Tests if TCL was enabled and can be called from TH1 scripts. Only returns true after first tclInvoke seemingly.
tclInvoke CMD args.. Runs a TCL procedure from within TH1.
tclExpr {expr} Evaluates an expression via TCL, returns its result.
tclEval args.. Runs some TCL code.
th1Expr args.. Fetch TH1 value/expression from within TCL code.
th1Eval args.. Run TH1 from TCL context.

TH1 Hooks

webpage_hook Run prior rendering built-in webpages. Allows to render custom pages.
webpage_notify Run after successful page rendering.
command_hook Run prior command line actions. Allows to declare new fossil commands.
command_notify Run after normal CLI commands.

Default variables

$project_name Proj Name
$title Homepage
$home home
$index_page /home
$current_page /wiki/index
$csrf_token localhost
$release_version 1.31
$manifest_version 4932465ecc
$manifest_date 2015-02-02 20:00:00
$compiler_name gcc-4.9.0
$stylesheet_url /style.css/142257204849324
$logo_image_url /logo/130387012349324
$background_image_url /background/133320697349324
$login username
$::cmd_name co
$::cmd_args filename
$::web_name home
$::web_args fossil ui
$::web_flags 1