SQL Snippets
This page hosts a collection of SQL snippets which have proven useful when tinkering with fossil. More can be found in the source tree - see the files named q-*.sql.
List of files changed by a given commit UUID:
To get just the names of files modified in a given RID:
SELECT name FROM filename f, mlink m WHERE m.mid=3242 -- checkin RID value AND m.fnid=f.fnid;
To get more info...
SELECT bf.uuid, filename.name fname, bf.size FROM mlink, filename, blob bf, -- FILE blob blob bm -- MANIFEST/checkin blob WHERE bm.uuid glob '6b581c89f90c*' -- resp: bm.rid=rid_of_checkin AND filename.fnid=mlink.fnid AND bf.rid=mlink.fid AND bm.rid=mlink.mid ;
To get timestamp info (same value for all rows) we need the "event" table:
SELECT bf.uuid, filename.name fname, bf.size, datetime(event.mtime) FROM mlink, filename, event, blob bf, -- FILE blob blob bm -- MANIFEST/checkin blob WHERE bm.uuid glob '6b581c89f90c*' -- resp: bm.rid=rid_of_checkin AND filename.fnid=mlink.fnid AND event.objid=mlink.mid AND bf.rid=mlink.fid AND bm.rid=mlink.mid ;
All ancestors of a given checkin
My first "WITH RECURSIVE" statement, adapted from one written by drh, lists information about the ancestry of a given commit...
-- All ancestors (direct or merged!) of the checkin -- RID given in the first SELECT... WITH RECURSIVE origin(rid) AS( SELECT 3285 -- origin RID ), ancestors(rid,uuid,tm,user,comment) AS ( -- Change this checkin RID: SELECT b.rid, b.uuid, e.mtime, e.user, coalesce(e.ecomment,e.comment) FROM blob b, event e, origin WHERE b.rid=origin.rid and e.objid=b.rid UNION ALL SELECT p.pid, b.uuid, e.mtime, e.user, coalesce(e.ecomment,e.comment) FROM plink p, blob b, ancestors a, event e WHERE p.cid=b.rid AND p.cid=a.rid AND e.objid=p.pid ) SELECT a.rid, substr(a.uuid,0,8) uuid, datetime(a.tm,'localtime') time, user, substr(comment,0,20)||'...' comment from ancestors a -- Optionally limit it to the first N -- ancestors (including the original checkin): LIMIT 6 ;
Example output:
rid uuid time user comment 3285 084c05a 2014-02-03 20:18:07 stephan disabled auto-updat... 3302 084c05a 2014-02-03 18:34:27 stephan x64/i32 compatibili... 3292 782894e 2014-02-03 14:01:47 stephan Removed check for s... 3286 4e9d087 2014-02-03 11:33:29 stephan minor build/portabi... 3257 249ad02 2014-02-02 19:15:24 stephan minor doc update.... 3255 3c03462 2014-02-02 19:10:20 stephan Added unit test for...
(Sidebar: that same info is all available in the event table, so we could change the recursion to only fetch the RIDs, then join that data to the event table to get the same info.)
A very similar query, which could possibly be simplified by one wiser in the ways of SQL than myself, which uses a (Julian) time to limit how far back the ancestry check goes:
WITH RECURSIVE ancestors(rid,uuid,tm) AS ( -- Change this checkin RID: SELECT b.rid, b.uuid, e.mtime FROM blob b, event e WHERE b.rid=3279 and e.objid=b.rid UNION ALL SELECT p.pid, b.uuid, e.mtime FROM plink p, blob b, ancestors a, event e WHERE p.cid=b.rid AND p.cid=a.rid AND e.objid=p.pid AND e.mtime > 2456691.31809243 -- mtime of RID 3279 minus 1 day ) SELECT b.rid, substr(b.uuid,0,8) uuid, datetime(a.tm,'localtime') time from blob b, ancestors a WHERE b.rid=a.rid
Here's a more refined variant of the above, applying what i learned during an evening or two of tinkering with it...
-- All ancestors (direct or merged!) of the checkin -- RID given in the first SELECT... WITH RECURSIVE -- Change config.rid and config.cutoffTime to change the query's behaviour. -- rid is the starting version -- cutoffTime is a Julian Day limit when searching for older -- versions, based on rid's checkin time. If cutoffTime is 0 -- or less then no time limit is applied. config(rid,cutoffTime) AS( -- Most recent commit: SELECT (SELECT MAX(objid) FROM event ORDER BY mtime DESC) rid, -- SELECT 3285 as rid -- Julian day limit to go back in time. <=0 means unlimited: 1.5 cutoffTime -- No limit: -- 0 ), origin(rid, mtime,cutoffTime) AS( -- origin RID SELECT b.rid as rid, e.mtime as mtime, config.cutoffTime cutoffTime FROM blob b, event e, config WHERE b.rid=config.rid AND e.objid=b.rid ), ancestors(rid,uuid,tm,user,comment) AS ( SELECT b.rid, b.uuid, e.mtime, e.user, coalesce(e.ecomment,e.comment) FROM blob b, event e, origin WHERE b.rid=origin.rid and e.objid=b.rid UNION ALL SELECT p.pid, b.uuid, e.mtime, e.user, coalesce(e.ecomment,e.comment) FROM plink p, blob b, ancestors a, event e, origin WHERE p.cid=b.rid AND p.cid=a.rid AND e.objid=p.pid -- Only trace back this far in time (Julian Days)... -- Replace set config.cutoffTime to 0 to go back any amount of time -- (and be prepared to add a LIMIT unless you want a long, -- long list). AND CASE WHEN origin.cutoffTime>0 THEN e.mtime >= (origin.mtime - origin.cutoffTime) ELSE 1 END ) SELECT a.rid, substr(a.uuid,0,8) uuid, datetime(a.tm,'localtime') time, user, substr(comment,0,20)||'...' comment from ancestors a -- Optionally limit it to the first N -- ancestors (including the original checkin): -- LIMIT 25 -- A config.cutoffTime time can prevent it from going too far back ;
Checkout-vs-repo Overview
An overview of info similar to that provided by fossil changes and similar commands:
SELECT id,vid, mrid, deleted, chnged, datetime(mtime,'unixepoch','localtime') as local_time, size, uuid, origname, pathname FROM vfile LEFT JOIN blob ON vfile.mrid=blob.rid WHERE vid=(SELECT value FROM vvar WHERE name='checkout') AND chnged ORDER BY pathname;
Ancestry of a File
An overview of info the ancestry of a file:
SELECT b.uuid as manifestUuid, datetime(p.mtime) as manifestTime, -- ml.*, b.size AS manifestSize, fn.name AS filename FROM mlink ml, filename fn, blob b, plink p WHERE ml.fnid=fn.fnid AND fn.name='f-timeline.c' -- CHANGE THIS NAME AND ml.mid=b.rid AND p.cid=ml.mid ORDER BY manifestTime DESC;
Not yet sure how it behaves across branches, and it certainly doesn't track renames.
Latest Checkin Info for a Given Branch
This can probably be done more simply, but here's an approach which uses a CTE to select a list of branch names:
WITH branch(name) AS ( SELECT 'dave' UNION ALL SELECT 'trunk' ), latestByBranch(name, rid, uuid, ts) AS( SELECT branch.name, event.objid, blob.uuid, datetime(max(event.mtime)) FROM tag, tagxref, event, branch, blob WHERE tag.tagname='sym-' || branch.name AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid AND tagxref.tagtype>0 AND event.objid=tagxref.rid AND blob.rid=event.objid AND event.type GLOB 'ci' GROUP BY branch.name ) SELECT * FROM latestByBranch ORDER BY ts DESC ;
Recursion Example
See also: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_with.html
The following is adapted from a sqlite mailing list post by Petite Abeille on 20140203, not directly applicable to fossil but which is an interesting example nonetheless and which can certainly be used as a model for generating fossil-related data:
with DataSet(node,parent) as ( select 'A', null union all select 'F', null union all select 'B', 'A' union all select 'C', 'B' union all select 'E', 'F' union all select 'H', 'E' union all select 'G', 'E' union all select 'D', 'C' ), Hierarchy( node, parent, level, path, isHead, isTail ) as ( select DataSet.node as node, 'NULL' as parent, -- DataSet.parent, 0 as level, ' → ' || DataSet.node as path, DataSet.parent IS NULL, NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM DataSet d WHERE d.parent=DataSet.node) from DataSet where DataSet.parent is null union all select DataSet.node as node, DataSet.parent as parent, Hierarchy.level + 1 as level, Hierarchy.path || ' → ' || DataSet.node as path, DataSet.parent IS NULL, NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM DataSet d WHERE d.parent=DataSet.node) from Hierarchy join DataSet on DataSet.parent = Hierarchy.node ORDER BY parent, node ) select * from Hierarchy -- where level>1 order by path;
Wiki Listings
Page names:
SELECT substr(tagname,6) AS name FROM tag JOIN tagxref USING('tagid') WHERE tagname GLOB 'wiki-*' AND tagxref.value+0 IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT 'Sandbox' AS name ORDER BY name COLLATE NOCASE;
More info:
SELECT substr(tag.tagname, 6) AS wname, lower(substr(tag.tagname, 6)) AS sortname, tagxref.value+0 AS wrid, max(tagxref.mtime) AS wmtime, count(*) AS wcnt FROM tag, tagxref WHERE tag.tagname GLOB 'wiki-*' AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid AND wrid IS NOT NULL -- only wiki- tags which are wiki pages GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2;